We will be performing at the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball and celebrating the life of Richard Michael Johnson AKA Grystle the Goblin.
We will be working as Scholar/Seers in the Wizards Guild area from 8-9:50 pm you can come and see us in our element and maybe even get a reading if you want. We will be headed to the Goblin Cabaret which is basically in the same area on different floors, immediately after at 9:55 pm for the Goblin Grystle (Richard Michael Johnson) memorial. After that we may be free to roam or may have a little more Guild duties to attend to, but probably will have some freedom to explore after 10:30 pm.
Here are our Costumes in progress, you can look forward to pictures of the full costumes at the event!
Zarathustra will be the Pirate of Wizardry