Tha Aquarian Family of Wizards!

We will be performing at the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball and celebrating the life of Richard Michael Johnson AKA Grystle the Goblin.

We will be working as Scholar/Seers in the Wizards Guild area from 8-9:50 pm you can come and see us in our element and maybe even get a reading if you want.  We will be headed to the Goblin Cabaret which is basically in the same area on different floors, immediately after at 9:55 pm for the Goblin Grystle (Richard Michael Johnson) memorial.  After that we may be free to roam or may have a little more Guild duties to attend to, but probably will have some freedom to explore after 10:30 pm.  

Here are our Costumes in progress, you can look forward to pictures of the full costumes at the event!

Amy will be the Dear Doe of Whimsy
Alayha will be the Daughter of Darkness

Zarathustra will be the Pirate of Wizardry

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